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Designated Safeguarding Leads

Who are the Designated Safeguarding Leads


The Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) ensure all confidential records are kept securely. It is the responsibility of the designated member of staff to have discussions with Social Care when concerns arise regarding the safety of a pupil at Colburn Community Primary School. All such pupils are closely monitored, including attendance, and where extra concerns arise these are always passed on to the appropriate agencies. The Designated Lead(s) ensure that all staff are trained with regard to Safeguarding and Child Protection.



Our School has a Designated Safeguarding Governor, Jo-Anne Scott, who will act as the link person between the Governing Body and the Designated Leader(s).


Jo-Anne Scott is also a Health and Community Engagement Officer and Deputy DSL for North Yorkshire Council. Jo-Anne has a specific interest in the welfare and wellbeing of children, which makes her perfect for such a role in school.


The Governor will review safeguarding procedures/practices including access to training through termly meetings with the Designated Person. The governors will ensure that sufficient time is given to carry out the duties including accessing training. 
