Governor Pen Portraits
Vikki Hughes - Local Authority Governor – Chair of Governors
I have been a part of the governing body of Colburn Primary School since May 2022. I am a teacher at another North Yorkshire primary school but have taught in a range of schools across different counties in the north of England. In both of my roles, I am committed to ensuring every child receives the very best education possible so that they are able to reach their full potential. I find being a governor a privilege and a highly rewarding experience and one in which I am able to use my passion for education to support the whole school community in having a positive and lasting impact the children of Colburn.
Angie Dale - Co-opted Governor - Vice Chair of Governors
As a child I attended Colburn Community Primary School and equally so have all my children. Therefore, my desire for Colburn School and the children & families it serves, to not only do well, but flourish, has been a longstanding passion of mine. It sits within the heart of our community which has grown and changed over many year, presenting different challenges. Furthermore, I am also a proud servant of the community and spend the majority of my time within it, whether it be supporting families in the food share or organising community events. I have always been extremely passionate about Colburn School and it is a privilege to be able to offer my time as a governor to enable the School to move forward. I love to see how the children grow, learn and develop from entry level through to Year 6.
Lorraine Hodgson - Co-opted Governor
I have been a governor for around a year and specialise in EYFS. I worked for a local primary school for 14 years as an ATA (Advanced Teaching Assistant). I later became a HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant). This enabled me to teach FS2 as I was in the classroom and knew the children and was well placed to give them continuity and advance their learning. For my last two years I worked one to one with child with an educational care plan, this was very rewarding. I was a Richmondshire District Councillor and the last chair of the Council. I am a Town Councillor for Richmond Town and was the Mayor during Covid. I am a trustee of several organizations. I enjoy being part of the Duck Club which puts lots of activities on for children and we focus on raising money for children. I am currently a clerk for a local Parish Council. I attended Colburn School when I was young and have lots of happy memories. I love early years and would like to be part of the team that can make a contribution to Colburn School. This is one of the reasons I became a governor.
Jo-Anne Scott – Co-opted Governor
I have been part of the Governing Body since December 2022. I have worked within local government for the last 33 years in the areas of education, health and adult social care, arts and community development both in County Durham and North Yorkshire. I am a service child and was born in Akrotiri Cyprus, I have two grown up children and have particular interests in safeguarding, equal opportunities and access to quality experiences for all children and young people. I hope to support Colburn Community Primary School with School Improvement and in particular safeguarding children.
Yousef Abdo - Headteacher
Since joining Colburn Community Primary School in September 2022, it has been a delight to work at the school and much has changed. I joined Colburn from a local primary school where I worked as an Assistant Headteacher. I have a real passion for Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, inclusion and sport. I believe our children need a good balance of academic work, sport, outdoor learning, music and art. I really want our children to become well rounded citizens who contribute positively to society. Over time, as a team, we have worked hard in developing all aspects of our school and as the headteacher I am proud of the of the team's ‘never give up’ attitude. We strive for our children to be happy, independent and successful. We try to ensure that all children are nurtured to their full potential and are excited about learning more about the world around them!
Lucy Owens - Staff Governor
I joined Colburn Community Primary School from a local Primary School in September 2023. As an aspirational practitioner, I wanted to learn more about the workings of a school and support the leadership team and my colleagues on our improving journey. I wanted to become a staff governor so I could be apart of a team effecting change and improving the lives of the children at Colburn Community Primary School. As a confident classroom practitioner, I have also lead PE in my previous role, I subject which I am passionate about. I am currently leading History and Geography in school and being part of the Governing Body is providing me with good insight and knowledge as to what both stakeholders want from one another. I hope to continue my own personal development but more importantly the journey the school is currently on.
Kevin Foster - Parent Governor
I have just recently joined Colburn Community Primary School as a Parent Governor. The reason I wanted to become a school governor was to contribute to developing opportunities for children in the school I attended as a child. I want to help and share the vision of the headteacher and the school governance board to improve the school and give it the best possible chance to support, develop and improve young people's futures. If I can contribute to a tiny fraction of this, I will have succeeded in what I consider a success.
Martin Taylor - Parent Governor